Emily Wilson

Emily’s father Benjamin Wilson and mother Esther Dracup were married on 6 Dec 1853 at St Peter’s, Bradford. Esther’s maiden name reappears as the first name of their first son, Dracup Wilson. Emily’s father’s first name reappears as the second name of her fourth son, Samuel Benjamin Oates.

In 1861 Benjamin (33) and Esther (33) and family lived at 134 High St, Horton. Neighbours included Ann Swain (47, widow, publican) at 130 High St, and John (31) & Emma (30) Dracup at 128 High St. John Dracup was a White Smith (soft metals like tin and pewter). John was possibly brother to Esther (nee Dracup). By a decade later Benjamin had moved along the High Street and taken on the role of publican.

Although the census records indicate the High Street addresses as being in the town of Horton and the Hamlet of Great Horton, this area of High Street is within a couple of hundred meters of the Wibsey Methodist Church and the Wibsey Primary School.

In 1871 the Wilson family lived at 192 and 194 High Street, Horton, also noted as a Beer house and Grocer’s shop. Benjamin (43) was listed as a ‘Grocer and Beer seller’ born in Bradford, his wife Esther (43, no occupation listed) was born in Horton, and their eldest daughter Hannah (16) was listed as a ‘Grocer’s assistant’. Emily Wilson was next in line, one year younger than Hannah, and a ‘worsted weaver’ at 15 in 1871. The remaining siblings comprise Ellen (12, worsted spinner), Dracup (10, worsted spinner), Fred (8, scholar), Clara (4) and Henry (4).

The 1891 census lists Benjamin (63, Grocer & Beer House Keeper) and Ester (63, Grocer’s Assistant) at the same address, with a side note ‘(Royal)’ – possibly a reference to a local name for the beer house. Also living in the household were Dracup (30, Stationery Engine Tender), Fred (28, Printer), and Clara (26, Grocer’s Assistant). Clara occupies the last space on that census sheet, so Henry is likely on the subsequent census sheet.

## Check for Henry on next census sheet

Interestingly the same 1891 census record sheet includes households living on Dracup Road, Horton, which is about 1.5km to the north-east of High Street. Dracup Road runs north off Great Horton Road not far from Cross Lane. At the intersection of Dracup Road and Great Horton Road is the Royal Hotel.